
The Virtual Meeting in Cyber Space
Meeting in Meat Space
The Cool Down
Final Disconnection

This web site chronicles the sad story of a 21st century love affair from its beginnings on Its evolution through text message exchange, first contact by phone, the weekend in real space, and the final declarations which lead to a complete disconnect.
I hope that this site can testify to the frustrations and allientations in modern society where technology and organic beings converge, intersect, and exclude one another.
This is a true story. The text mesaging has been reproduced in its entirety with no elaboration excisement or changes (except to protect the identity of the persons involved.)
Hopefully, with the permission of the  participants, a photo gallery maybe included documenting the weekend in the meat space desert.
this is all I have to give right my heart is torn open yet again in this painful and ridiculous school period called life...EACH DAY I WILL TRY TO COMPILE A LITTLE MORE FROM THE ARCHIVED EMAILS. YOU CAN FOLLOW IN INSTALLMENTS LIKE A SERIAL.

The Cast:
A Woman
A Man
Act I: Cyber Space
Act II: Meat Space
Act III: Cyber Space

Sometimes a life is just meant to be an example to others